Stone King USA
新澤西 Stone King,主營各種花崗岩、大理石、廚房檯面、梳妝檯面,中高檔浴室組合、還有瓷磚、地磚、牆磚、木地板以及羅馬柱、壁爐的批發,加工,銷售和安裝,廚房,浴室的設計和裝修。华人经营,7,000平方尺超大展廳,歡迎惠顧參觀。
Stone King 擁有大量現貨和一支高素質的員工隊伍,提供從設計、加工到安裝的一條龍專業服務。質量保證、用戶至上。Stone King的老闆謝成傑(Tommy Xie)获颁2010年美国商务部荣誉奖项。
Stone King Corporation is a Stone Importer, Distributor and Fabricator. We specialize in complete bathroom and kitchen solutions. We can provide beautiful crafted granite kitchen counter tops, vanity tops, shower walls and floors. In addition, we can also help you to design fireplaces with rich and luxurious granite and marble. Our products and installation are famous for magnificent craftsmanship and fascination.
We manufacture simple and complex Granite Kitchen Counters, Laminate Kitchen Counters and Backsplashes, Custom Kitchen Tops, Custom Table Tops, Custom Vanity Tops etc.
One Day Installation
Remove old countertop
Install new granite countertop
We start in the morning, you can cook dinner by night!
Tel: 732-868-8687; 732-868-8683
Fax: 908-868-8612
Address: 900 Lincoln Boulevard, Middlesex, NJ 08846
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